Spirit Empowered Evagelistic Ministry

Communicating the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Encountering the Power and Presence of the Holy Spirit
Greetings Pastor,
I want to introduce myself and my ministry to you. My name is Thomas Buck. I am an Assemblies of God Evangelist based out of New Jersey. I have a passion for lost people who do not know Jesus and for the church that wants a deeper connection or fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
My ministry is to support you and your vision for your people and connect with them in a biblical and real way. I believe that God will move your congregation through the word and prayer. Through the services with which I have been blessed to be a vessel for the Holy Spirit to pour out through, there have been first time commitments, deep recommitments, many filled with the Holy Spirit, many baptized in the Holy Spirit, as well as physical, emotional, and spiritual healings.
Whether you are looking for a Sunday service, or a weekend conference, or a full week long revival conference, or any other event you have planned, I would love the opportunity to come and share with your church.
I believe that in order for revival to be more than a nice event, there needs to be discipleship and expansion beyond the walls of your church. I will help your people get excited about reaching the lost people in your community. The churches I have ministered in have seen growth and leadership coming out of this.
I don’t require a preset amount in order to come. I believe that God will provide for my financial needs. I operate on a travel expense & love offering and God has been good. The size of the congregation doesn’t influence whether or not I would come. I believe that amazing things happen when people are hungry and seeking God.
If you want to see growth and change in your people through the Holy Spirit, and for them to experience a personal encounter with Him, I will join you in prayer for exactly that.
I look forward to connecting with you. Please give me a call and let’s get something on the calendar that works for you.